Use Case Tests: Lottery
For each test the sample function data is provided and the results/output of the AT program (balance has been
set to 1000).
A summary of the tests follows:
Test 1: Check that less than minimum amount is refunded. (player 1 wins)
Test 2: Check that exact amount purchases a ticket. (player 2 wins)
Test 3: Check that extra payment refunds difference. (player 3 wins)
Test 4: Check all pay less. (no player wins)
Test 1 (Check that less than minimum amount is refunded)
Sample Function Data (Test 1):
balance 1000
function 020 0x0000000000000000 true
function +021 0x0000000000000064,0x0000000000000065,0x0000000000000066,0x0000000000000000 false
function 022 0x0000000000013a80,0x0000000000023a80,0x0000000000093a81,0x0000000000000000 false
function 023 0x000000000000ff00,0x000000000000ee00,0x000000000000fff0,0x0000000000000000 false
function 024 0x1111000000000000,0x2222000000000000,0x3333000000000000,0x0000000000000000 false
function 027 0x0000000000000064,0x0000000000000062,0x000000000000064,0x0000000000000064 false
function 028 0x0000000000000000 true
Sample Run Output (Test 1):
func: 20 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 21 with 0 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 22 with 100 rc: 0000000000013a80
func1: 27 with 100 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 28 with 100 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 23 with 100 rc: 000000000000ff00
func1: 24 with 100 rc: 1111000000000000
func1: 21 with 80512 rc: 0000000000000065
func1: 22 with 101 rc: 0000000000023a80
func1: 27 with 101 rc: 0000000000000062
func1: 24 with 101 rc: 2222000000000000
payout 98 to account: 2222000000000000
func1: 21 with 146048 rc: 0000000000000066
func1: 22 with 102 rc: 0000000000093a81
func: 32 rc: 000000000000035f
payout 860 to account: 1229764173248856064
func1: 33 with 1229764173248856064 rc: 0000000000000000
(stopped - zero balance)
Test 2 (Check that exact amount purchases a ticket)
Sample Function Data (Test 2):
balance 1000
function 020 0x0000000000000000 true
function +021 0x0000000000000064,0x0000000000000065,0x0000000000000066,0x0000000000000000 false
function 022 0x0000000000013a80,0x0000000000023a80,0x0000000000093a81,0x0000000000000000 false
function 023 0x000000000000ee00,0x000000000000ff00,0x000000000000fff0,0x0000000000000000 false
function 024 0x1111000000000000,0x2222000000000000,0x3333000000000000,0x0000000000000000 false
function 027 0x0000000000000064,0x0000000000000064,0x000000000000064,0x0000000000000064 false
function 028 0x0000000000000000 true
Sample Run Output
func: 20 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 21 with 0 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 22 with 100 rc: 0000000000013a80
func1: 27 with 100 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 28 with 100 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 23 with 100 rc: 000000000000ee00
func1: 24 with 100 rc: 1111000000000000
func1: 21 with 80512 rc: 0000000000000065
func1: 22 with 101 rc: 0000000000023a80
func1: 27 with 101 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 28 with 101 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 23 with 101 rc: 000000000000ff00
func1: 24 with 101 rc: 2222000000000000
func1: 21 with 146048 rc: 0000000000000066
func1: 22 with 102 rc: 0000000000093a81
func: 32 rc: 00000000000003be
payout 955 to account: 2459528346497712128
func1: 33 with 2459528346497712128 rc: 0000000000000000
(stopped - zero balance)
Test 3 (Check that extra payment refunds difference)
Sample Function Data (Test 3):
balance 1000
function 020 0x0000000000000000 true
function +021 0x0000000000000064,0x0000000000000065,0x0000000000000066,0x0000000000000067,0x0000000000000000 false
function 022 0x0000000000013a80,0x0000000000023a80,0x0000000000093a80,0x0000000000093a81,0x0000000000000000 false
function 023 0x000000000000ff00,0x000000000000ee00,0x000000000000fff0,0x000000000000fff0,0x0000000000000000 false
function 024 0x1111000000000000,0x2222000000000000,0x3333000000000000,0x3344000000000000,0x0000000000000000 false
function 027 0x0000000000000128,0x0000000000000064,0x000000000000064,0x000000000000064,0x0000000000000064 false
function 028 0x0000000000000000 true
Sample Run Output (Test 3):
func: 20 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 21 with 0 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 22 with 100 rc: 0000000000013a80
func1: 27 with 100 rc: 0000000000000128
func1: 24 with 100 rc: 1111000000000000
payout 196 to account: 1111000000000000
func1: 28 with 100 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 23 with 100 rc: 000000000000ff00
func1: 24 with 100 rc: 1111000000000000
func1: 21 with 80512 rc: 0000000000000065
func1: 22 with 101 rc: 0000000000023a80
func1: 27 with 101 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 28 with 101 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 23 with 101 rc: 000000000000ee00
func1: 21 with 146048 rc: 0000000000000066
func1: 22 with 102 rc: 0000000000093a80
func1: 27 with 102 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 28 with 102 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 23 with 102 rc: 000000000000fff0
func1: 24 with 102 rc: 3333000000000000
func1: 21 with 604800 rc: 0000000000000067
func1: 22 with 103 rc: 0000000000093a81
func: 32 rc: 00000000000002e6
payout 739 to account: 3689292519746568192
func1: 33 with 3689292519746568192 rc: 0000000000000000
(stopped - zero balance)
Test 4 (Check all send less amount):
Sample Function Data (Test 4):
balance 1000
function 020 0x0000000000000000 true
function +021 0x0000000000000064,0x0000000000000065,0x0000000000000066,0x0000000000000000 false
function 022 0x0000000000013a80,0x0000000000023a80,0x0000000000093a81,0x0000000000000000 false
function 023 0x000000000000ff00,0x000000000000ee00,0x000000000000fff0,0x0000000000000000 false
function 024 0x1111000000000000,0x2222000000000000,0x3333000000000000,0x0000000000000000 false
function 027 0x000000000000062,0x0000000000000062,0x000000000000062,0x0000000000000064 false
function 028 0x0000000000000000 true
Sample Run Output (Test 4):
func: 20 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 21 with 0 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 22 with 100 rc: 0000000000013a80
func1: 27 with 100 rc: 0000000000000062
func1: 24 with 100 rc: 1111000000000000
payout 98 to account: 1111000000000000
func1: 21 with 80512 rc: 0000000000000065
func1: 22 with 101 rc: 0000000000023a80
func1: 27 with 101 rc: 0000000000000062
func1: 24 with 101 rc: 2222000000000000
payout 98 to account: 2222000000000000
func1: 21 with 146048 rc: 0000000000000066
func1: 22 with 102 rc: 0000000000093a81
func: 32 rc: 0000000000000300
func1: 21 with 604801 rc: 0000000000000000