Use Case: Lottery

A lottery where the highest ticket "value" in a given time period will be rewarded the AT's balance. A ticket
is expected to be the hash of adding a tx id to a future block id. Minimum ticket price is set at 1 unit (and
this can be changed via the @min_amount variable).


@00 ==> @timestamp
@01 ==> @payout_time
@02 ==> @txid
@03 ==> @tx_time
@04 ==> @tx_info
@05 ==> @best_ticket
@06 ==> @best_account
@07 ==> @balance
@08 ==> @tx_amount
@09 ==> @min_amount
@0a ==> @target_account


20 (0x14) = get a time stamp value for the last block in the blockchain
21 (0x15) = get txid for the first tx after the provided time stamp
22 (0x16) = get a time stamp value for a given txid
23 (0x17) = get ticket for a given txid
24 (0x18) = get source account/address for a given txid
27 (0x1b) = get funds amount for a given txid
28 (0x1c) = get tx type and subtype for a given txid
31 (0x1f) = pay given funds amount to a given account/address
32 (0x20) = get old balance of own account
33 (0x21) = pay old balance to a given account/address

Sample Function Data

balance 1000
function 020 0x0000000000012345 true
function +021 0x0000000000000064,0x0000000000000065,0x0000000000000066,0x0000000000000067,0x0000000000000000 false
function 022 0x00000000000a5da8,0x00000000000a5db8,0x00000000000a5dc4,0x00000000000a5dc8,0x0000000000000000 false
function 023 0x000000000000ff00,0x000000000000ee00,0x000000000000fff0,0x000000000000ffff,0x0000000000000000 false
function 024 0x1111000000000000,0x2222000000000000,0x3333000000000000,0x4444000000000000,0x0000000000000000 false
function 027 0x0000000000000064,0x0000000000000062,0x0000000000000128,0x0000000000000064,0x0000000000000000 false
function 028 0x0000000000000000 true

Sample Run Output

func: 20 rc: 0000000000012345
func1: 21 with 74565 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 22 with 100 rc: 00000000000a5da8
func1: 27 with 100 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 28 with 100 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 23 with 100 rc: 000000000000ff00
func1: 24 with 100 rc: 1111000000000000
func1: 21 with 679336 rc: 0000000000000065
func1: 22 with 101 rc: 00000000000a5db8
func1: 27 with 101 rc: 0000000000000062
func1: 24 with 101 rc: 2222000000000000
payout 98 to account: 2222000000000000
func1: 21 with 679352 rc: 0000000000000066
func1: 22 with 102 rc: 00000000000a5dc4
func1: 27 with 102 rc: 0000000000000128
func1: 24 with 102 rc: 3333000000000000
payout 196 to account: 3333000000000000
func1: 28 with 102 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 23 with 102 rc: 000000000000fff0
func1: 24 with 102 rc: 3333000000000000
func1: 21 with 679364 rc: 0000000000000067
func1: 22 with 103 rc: 00000000000a5dc8
func: 32 rc: 0000000000000285
payout 642 to account: 3689292519746568192
func1: 33 with 3689292519746568192 rc: 0000000000000000
(stopped - zero balance)

Script Assembly

if @timestamp not zero goto loop                         1e0000000039
set @min_amount to 100 (1 unit)                          01090000006400000000000000
get last block timestamp and put in @timestamp           35140000000000

:init (0000001a)
set @payout_time to $timestamp                           020100000000000000
set @tx_info to (604800 seconds in a week)               0104000000803a090000000000
add @tx_info to @payout_time                             060100000004000000

:loop (00000039)
get tx at after @timestamp and store in @txid            3615000200000000000000
if @txid is zero finish                                  2602000000

get timestamp for @txid and store in @tx_time            3616000300000002000000
if @tx_time > @payout_time goto payout                   1f030000000100000072

get amount for @txid and store in @tx_amount             361b000800000002000000
if @tx_amount == @min_amount goto continue               2308000000090000000f
goto refund                                              1af3000000

:continue (00000078)
get tx type for @txid and store in @tx_info              361c000400000002000000
if @tx_info is non-zero goto skip                        1e0400000035

get ticket for @txid and store in @tx_info               3617000400000002000000
if @tx_info zero finish                                  26040000007f

if @tx_info < @best_ticket goto skip                     2004000000050000001e
set @best_ticket to @tx_info                             020500000004000000
get account for @txid and put in @best_account           3618000600000002000000

:skip (000000b8)
set @timestamp to @tx_time                               020000000003000000
goto loop                                                1a39000000

:payout (000000c6)
get old balance and store in @balance                    35200007000000
if @balance is zero goto empty                           1b0700000018
if @best_ticket is zero goto empty                       1b0500000012
pay balance to @best_account                             33210006000000
goto finish_payout                                       1a31010000

:empty (000000e5)
set @timestamp to @tx_time                               020000000003000000
goto init                                                1a1a000000

:refund (000000f3)
get account for @tx_id and put in @target_account        3618000a00000002000000
if @tx_amount < @min_amount goto :refund_less            20080000000900000023
subtract @min_amount from @tx_amount                     070800000009000000
send @tx_amount to @target_account                       341f00080000000a000000
goto continue                                            1a78000000

:refund less (00000121)
send @tx_amount to @target_account                       341f00080000000a000000
goto skip                                                1ab8000000

:finish_payout (00000131)
set @timestamp to @payout_time                           020000000004000000
clear @best_ticket to zero                               0305000000
goto init                                                1a1a000000

Assembly Code

00000000* BNZ $00000000 :00000039
00000006  SET @00000009 #0000000000000064
00000013  FUN @00000000 20
0000001a  SET @00000001 $00000000
00000023  SET @00000004 #0000000000093a80
00000030  ADD @00000001 $00000004
00000039  FUN @00000002 21 $00000000
00000044  FIZ @00000002
00000049  FUN @00000003 22 $00000002
00000054  BGT $00000003 $00000001 :000000c6
0000005e  FUN @00000008 27 $00000002
00000069  BEQ $00000008 $00000009 :00000078
00000073  JMP :000000f3
00000078  FUN @00000004 28 $00000002
00000083  BNZ $00000004 :000000b8
00000089  FUN @00000004 23 $00000002
00000094  FIZ @00000004
00000099  NOP
0000009a  BLT $00000004 $00000005 :000000b8
000000a4  SET @00000005 $00000004
000000ad  FUN @00000006 24 $00000002
000000b8  SET @00000000 $00000003
000000c1  JMP :00000039
000000c6  FUN @00000007 32
000000cd  BZR $00000007 :000000e5
000000d3  BZR $00000005 :000000e5
000000d9  FUN 33 $00000006
000000e0  CLR @00000005
000000e5  SET @00000000 $00000003
000000ee  JMP :0000001a
000000f3  FUN @0000000a 24 $00000002
000000fe  BLT $00000008 $00000009 :0000012c
00000108  SUB @00000008 $00000009
00000111  FUN 31 $0000000a $00000002
0000011c  JMP :00000078
00000121  FUN 31 $00000008 $0000000a
0000012c  JMP :000000b8

Machine Code
