Use Case: Crowdfunding Agent

If a target balance is achieved by a hard-coded time then the entire balance will be sent to an account which
is also hard-coded into the AT. If not then the txs that were sent to it will be iterated and refunded to one
by one.

Note that there are exactly 9 steps required to be executed "per refund" so in order for this AT to correctly
refund every tx a fee that allows for those steps would either need to be charged for sending funds to the AT
or otherwise the amount needed to cover those steps would need to be deducted from the refund.


@00 ==> @timestamp
@01 ==> @decision_time
@02 ==> @txid
@03 ==> (unused)
@04 ==> @tx_info
@05 ==> @target_amt
@06 ==> @target_acc
@07 ==> @balance
@08 ==> @tx_source
@09 ==> @refund_time


20 (0x14) = get a time stamp value for the last block in the blockchain
21 (0x15) = get txid for the first tx after the provided time stamp
22 (0x16) = get a time stamp value for a given txid
24 (0x18) = get source account/address for a given txid
25 (0x19) = get balance of own account
27 (0x1b) = get funds amount for a given txid
31 (0x1f) = pay given funds amount to a given account/address

Sample Function Data

function 020 0x0000000000012345 true
function +021 0x0000000000000064,0x0000000000000065,0x0000000000000066,0x0000000000000000 false
function 022 0x00000000000a5da8,0x00000000000a5db8,0x00000000000a5dc8,0x0000000000000000 false
function 023 0x000000000000ff00,0x000000000000ee00,0x000000000000ffff,0x0000000000000000 false
function 025 0 true
function 024 0x1111000000000000,0x2222000000000000,0x3333000000000000,0x0000000000000000 false
function 027 0x0000000000000100,0x0000000000000100,0x0000000000000100,0x0000000000000000 false

Sample Run Output

func: 20 rc: 0000000000012345
func1: 21 with 74565 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 22 with 100 rc: 00000000000a5da8
func1: 21 with 679336 rc: 0000000000000065
func1: 22 with 101 rc: 00000000000a5db8
func1: 21 with 679352 rc: 0000000000000066
func1: 22 with 102 rc: 00000000000a5dc8
(resetting function data)
func: 25 rc: 0000000000000051
func1: 21 with 74565 rc: 0000000000000064
func1: 22 with 100 rc: 00000000000a5da8
func1: 28 with 100 rc: 0000000000000000
func1: 24 with 100 rc: 1111000000000000
func1: 27 with 100 rc: 0000000000000100
payout 70 to account: 1111000000000000
(stopped - zero balance)

Script Assembly

if @timestamp not zero goto loop                         1e0000000034
get last block timestamp and put in @timestamp           35140000000000
copy @timestamp to @refund_time                          020900000000000000
set @decision_time                                       0101000000c55d0a0000000000
set @target_amt (to 100)                                 01050000006400000000000000
set @target_acc                                          01060000001111111100000000

:loop (0000003d)
get tx at after @timestamp and store in @txid            3615000200000000000000
get timestamp for @txid and store in @timestamp          3616000000000002000000
if @timestamp > @decision_time goto decision             1f000000000100000014
if @txid is zero finish                                  2602000000
goto loop                                                1a3d000000

:decision (00000067)
get balance and store in @balance                        35190007000000
restore @timestamp from @refund_time                     020000000009000000
if @target_amt > @balance goto refund                    1f050000000700000013

set pcs                                                  30
pay balance to @target_account                           331a0006000000
finish                                                   28

:refund (0000008a)
set pcs                                                  30

:refund loop
get tx at after @timestamp and store in @txid            3615000200000000000000
get timestamp for @txid and store in @timestamp          3616000000000002000000
if @txid is zero finish                                  2602000000

get tx type for @txid and store in @tx_info              361c000400000002000000
if @tx_info is non-zero goto skip                        1e0400000027

get account for @txid and put in @tx_source              3618000800000002000000
get amount for @txid and store in @tx_info               361b000400000002000000
send @tx_info to @tx_source                              341f000400000008000000

goto refund loop                                         1a8a000000

Assembly Code

00000000* BNZ $00000000 :0000003d
00000006  FUN @00000000 20
0000000d  SET @00000009 $00000000
00000016  SET @00000001 #0000001100000000
00000023  SET @00000005 #00000002dd231b00
00000030  SET @00000006 #15aefb06dcb7450e
0000003d  FUN @00000002 21 $00000000
00000048  FUN @00000000 22 $00000002
00000053  BGT $00000000 $00000001 :00000067
0000005d  FIZ @00000002
00000062  JMP :0000003d
00000067  FUN @00000007 25
0000006e  SET @00000000 $00000009
00000077  BGT $00000005 $00000007 :0000008a
00000081  PCS
00000082  FUN 26 $00000006
00000089  FIN
0000008a  PCS
0000008b  FUN @00000002 21 $00000000
00000096  FUN @00000000 22 $00000002
000000a1  FIZ @00000002
000000a6  FUN @00000004 28 $00000002
000000b1  BNZ $00000004 :000000d8
000000b7  FUN @00000008 24 $00000002
000000c2  FUN @00000004 27 $00000002
000000cd  FUN 31 $00000004 $00000008
000000d8  JMP :0000008a

Machine Code
