Creating A New Package
Firstly before starting to turn manually written code into a specification driven package make sure that the
code has been well tested and has all the core features necessary for a package as it is much easier to make
wholesale changes to manually written code than it is to do the same for templatised source.
Another point to consider when moving from manual code to specifications is whether records that will end up
being created should be global or belong to a user and/or a group (these may also end up as being options to
add for selection during package installation).
The following are a set of guidelines to help transform the manual code into a package:
1) Identify all manual changes.
The easiest way to do this (and most useful for generated source comparison later) is to rename the manually
modified file(s) and perform a "generate". This will create a new copy of the file (using the original name)
that contains no manual changes (a simple diff between the renamed and regenerated files will display all of
the manual changes).
2) Identify all model artifacts.
Analyse all manual source code and find all classes, child relationships, fields, modifiers, procedures and
procedure arguments that have been used. It is recommended to do this in a systematic way by keeping a list
of class attributes and child relationships for each class (remembering that the same class may be used via
foreign key fields or child relationships but its class attributes only need to be known only once).
Apart from the class specific artifacts the module name, class name(s) and any Enum and Enum_Item names may
also have been used in manual code and will need to be replaced (the module name and class name of the root
node do not require specification support as they are always available).
3) Design the specification type structure.
Assuming the list of model artifacts isn't trivial a single specification record will not be sufficient for
capturing the information then one or more child specifications (which may also contain their own children)
will need to be created.
The recommended method to devise the specification "tree" is to start with the root node (which is the main
class for each source file) and determine what artifacts this specification will contain and then determine
how (if used) any child specifications relate to the root node (as each will need to get its Class from the
Parent Specification).
When creating the actual Specification Type records that will then be used to automatically generate source
the order needs to be from leaves to root (as each child Specification Type needs to be known to its parent
prior to creating the actual Specification record). Therefore a suggested approach is start the list at the
root but then grow the list "upwards" (and indent for children, children of children, etc.).
Consider a class (Sample) for which the fields Name, Start, Finish, Extra are required along with a foreign
key field Address and a child relationship Transaction. For the Address class the fields Street, Number and
Unit are required and for the Transaction class the fields When and Amount. Clearly this information cannot
be captured using a single Specification Type record so the approach to take is to start with the root node
(Sample) and add child nodes as necessary in order to cover all required model artifacts.
The following illustrates how the tree could be created in four passes (each pass adds a new node above the
existing nodes).
First pass:
Class: Sample
Field: Name
Other_Field: Start
Other_Field_2: Finish
Source_Parent: Address
Second pass:
Class: Sample <Class from parent>
Field: Extra
Child_Rel: Transaction
Class: Sample
Field: Name
Other_Field: Start
Other_Field_2: Finish
Source_Parent: Address
<Actions to have Add_Info to create for_sample_info>
Third pass:
Class: Transaction <Child_Rel from parent>
Field: When
Other_Field: Amount
<for_sample_info Actions to be cleared)
Class: Sample <Class from parent>
Field: Extra
Child_Rel: Transaction
<Actions to have Add_Child_Info to create for_sample_info_cinfo>
Class: Sample
Field: Name
Other_Field: Start
Other_Field_2: Finish
Source_Parent: Address
<Add_Info to create for_sample_info>
Fourth pass:
Class: Address <Source_Parent from parent>
Field: Street
Other_Field: Number
Other_Field_2: Unit
<parent Actions to be cleared)
Class: Transaction <Child_Rel from parent>
Field: When
Other_Field: Amount
<parent Actions to be cleared)
Class: Sample <Class from parent>
Field: Extra
Child_Rel: Transaction
<Actions to have Add_Child_Info to create for_sample_info_cinfo>
<parent Actions to have Add_Source_Info to create for_sample_sinfo>
Class: Sample
Field: Name
Other_Field: Start
Other_Field_2: Finish
Source_Parent: Address
<Actions to have Add_Info to create for_sample_info>
Clearly there is no single solution to creating such a specification type tree and although in this example
a number of available specification type fields were not used that could have been it is recommended to try
and construct a tree that will be as clear as possible for the specification user to work with (rather than
trying to create the minimal number of nodes possible).
4) Create the specification type records.
Firstly create a backup of the meta storage (i.e. ciyam_backup Meta) as a "restore" will be necessary later
(prior to package completion) and may also be required during the package development cycle.
Starting at the top of the inverted tree create a Specification Type record for each node. In order to work
out what Specification Type fields require what values each node needs to be rewritten. The following shows
how this was done with the previous Sample specification type tree.
For child specifications you need to set Is_System and Is_Child_Only true and Protect_Class_From_Edit would
normally also be true (as it would be expected that the class would be obtained from the parent). The Notes
should tell the user what each of the fields being used are supposed to be assigned to as well as to remind
the user if an action (such as Add Info) is required to continue completion of the specification.
For Specification_Name generally the root would use "for_{class}" (where the {class} token will be replaced
by the actual class name when the specification is created). Child names only need to be unique within each
parent but the typical naming convention is to start with the root name and append an abbreviation which is
indicative of the source of its class (e.g. "for_sample_sinfo" when the source of the child's class was its
parent's source parent or "for_sample_cinfo" if its source was from the parent's child relationship).
The Specification_Object field for the root node is set to the name of the source template file (without an
extension). For all child nodes it is just set to "n/a". For the root node use the Default_Child_Vars value
to hold empty values for optional child nodes (as optional variables need to be passed with empty values to
the source specification).
Although not a requirement it is recommended to use validation fields (such as Field_type) where applicable
to ensure that the specification isn't easily given incorrect input that will lead to compilation (or worse
yet runtime) errors.
When naming the specification variables it is best to prefix names belonging to classes other than the root
node's class with the class name or an abbreviation thereof (e.g. addr_street and addr_unit for fields that
belong to the Address class) to ensure that no duplicate variable names are accidentally created.
Name: for_sample_sinfo
Notes: Field is "street", Other Field is "number" and Other Field 2 is "unit".
Specification_Name: for_sample_sinfo
Specification_Vars: addr_street={field}
Specification_Object: n/a
[Basic Fields]
Needs_Class: true
Allow_Field: true
Needs_Field: true
Allow_Other_Field: true
Needs_Other_Field: true
Allow_Other_Field_2: true
Needs_Other_Field_2: true
[Basic Options]
Is_System: true
Is_Child_Only: true
Protect_Class_From_Edit: true
[Advanced Options]
Use_Parent_Source_Parent_For_Class: true
Has_Next_Specification_Info: true
Next_Protect_Source_Parent: true
Name: for_sample_info_cinfo
Notes: Field is for "when" and Other Field is for "amount".
Specification_Name: for_sample_info_cinfo
Specification_Vars: trans_when={field}
Specification_Object: n/a
[Basic Fields]
Needs_Class: true
Allow_Field: true
Needs_Field: true
Allow_Other_Field: true
Needs_Other_Field: true
[Basic Options]
Is_System: true
Is_Child_Only: true
Protect_Class_From_Edit: true
[Advanced Options]
Use_Parent_Child_Rel_For_Class: true
Has_Next_Specification_Info: true
Next_Protect_Child_Rel: true
Name: for_sample_info
Notes: Field is for "extra" and Child Rel is for "transaction".
After saving click "Add Child Info" to continue.
Specification_Name: for_sample_info
Specification_Vars: extra={field}
Specification_Object: n/a
[Basic Fields]
Needs_Class: true
Allow_Field: true
Needs_Field: true
[Extra Fields]
Allow_Child_Relationship: true
Needs_Child_Relationship: true
[Advanced Options]
Use_Parent_Class: true
Specification_Actions: 115432$115100.301405
Child_Specification_Type: for_sample_info_cinfo
Has_Next_Specification_Info: true
Next_Specification_Actions: 115437$115100.301405
Next_Child_Specification_Type: for_sample_sinfo
Name: for_sample
Notes: Field is for "name", Other Field is for "start" and Other Field 2 is for "finish". Source Parent is
for "address".
After saving click "Add Info" to continue.
Specification_Name: for_{class}
Specification_Vars: name={field}
Specification_Object: for_sample
[Basic Fields]
Needs_Class: true
Allow_Field: true
Needs_Field: true
Allow_Other_Field: true
Needs_Other_Field: true
Allow_Other_Field_2: true
Needs_Other_Field_2: true
[Extra Fields]
Allow_Source_Parent: true
Needs_Source_Parent: true
[Advanced Options]
Specification_Actions: 115441$115100.301405
Child_Specification_Type: for_sample_info
In order for parent specifications to display "Add Info" (or Add Source Info or other) an "action" will need
to be put into the Specification_Actions field. Although the complete action syntax has a lot of other parts
the relevant parts for use in a Specification Type such as the above are: <pid>$<cid>.<fid> where "pid" must
be the id of a Meta Specification Type Procedure (e.g. 115441 for Add_Info), "cid" is the Meta Specification
class (so always 115100) and "fid" is the relationship field for the child specification to the parent (will
always be 301405). The Specification Type of the child specification that will be created needs to be chosen
via the Child_Specification_Type field.
Once a child specification has been created via an action (such as Add Source Info) then the child will need
to update the parent's Actions (otherwise the button could be clicked on again). This is achieved by setting
Has_Next_Specification_Info true. If there is no further action for the parent (i.e. the child should simply
clear the parent Actions) then just set this field true. If another action is instead desired so that two or
more children can belong to the same parent then the child needs to put the action and child specification's
type into Next_Specification_Actions and Next_Child_Specification_Type respectively.
In order to ensure that the child specification is kept correctly in sync with the parent field that it gets
its class from that field needs to be protected after the child record has been saved. This is done by using
either the Next_Protect_Child_Rel or Next_Protect_Source_Parent fields (nothing is required in the case that
the child uses the parent's class).
4) Create new specification records using the new specification types.
When creating each new specification check that the notes and the UI fields are matching and that after each
save also check that the specification vars are all present and make sense (as they will be next used in the
source template). Also make sure there are no duplicate var names and that any actions (e.g. "Add Info") are
no longer available to the parent once the child specification they have been used to create has been saved.
Prior to commencing to write the source specification it is recommended to first review the manually written
code to check that all model artifact names are present in the root specification variables. Also if was not
already added then make sure a "sections" variable is present in the root specification that holds the names
of each code injection point.
5) Create the new specification source template file and check source generation.
After verifying all artifact names are present create a new specification source template that initially has
just the section name checks. The relevant source outline template (e.g. ciyam_class.cpp.xrep.outline) needs
to be edited for each of the applicable code injection sections in order to include the new source template.
The recommended method is to work on one injection section at a time by first copying and pasting the manual
source and then carefully processing this to replace all artifact names with "xrep" variable expressions and
ensuring that these are being passed to the specification source template via the source template outline.
It should be noted that later the additions being made to the source template outline will actually be moved
into the new package as a package specific specification source template file. It is recommended to use this
approach as it allows the source generation to be checked prior to the actual creation of the package.
After completing a section the source template file needs to be reconstructed from the updated outline (this
can be done using "construct @packages.lst ciyam_class.cpp.xrep") ensuring that new source will be generated
by removing the saved xrep variables (e.g. del Model_Sample.vars.xrep.sav) and then regenerating the model.
Assuming no errors are present in the xrep expressions the source file should have been updated and a simple
file comparision between it and the originally saved version should show that the newly generated section is
now present (with matching source code).
These steps to add section source template code are then repeated for each section that requires injection.
When completed the specification source template file will need to be reviewed to ensure all model artifacts
have been replace by xrep expressions. This is easiest performed using regular expression searches for upper
case letters as all model artifacts should start with an upper case letter while only a select few framework
artifacts (such as macros or special comment markers) will contain any upper case.
A more precise way to determine that the model artifacts have been correctly replaced by xrep expressions is
to change the name of every artifact used and then regenerate the model. Another important aspect of testing
new specifications is to ensure that correct code generation occurs (and later compiles) when artifacts that
are optional are omitted.
6) Create the specification type(s) package component.
Using the console client issue a command similar to the following (if there are multiple specification types
then replace ... with the comma separated list).
> storage_init Meta
> perform_package_export Meta Specification_Type for_sample[,...] Sample.specs.sio -x=Specification_Type:*
If any of the specification types were in the form of a tree it is likely that the content of the .specs.sio
file will contain repeated records due to the way that the package export works. This is nothing for concern
but in order to ensure no duplicate records (due to a potential although unlikely key clash) will be created
by a package user it is recommended that key values be replaced by each specification type's Name.
The following console client command can be used to determine the search/replace values:
> storage_init Meta
> perform_fetch Meta Specification_Type -q=Name=for_sample* "" @key,Name -min
Note that when performing the search/replaces there will be more than one occurrence of each key where specs
form node trees.
7) Create the model artifacts package component.
The "perform_package_export" export command needs to be passed the keys of each class that will comprise the
new package. The various "Meta_Class.*" files are used in order to ensure that the export includes all other
related model artifacts when starting with a class key.
Using the console client issue a command similar to the following (if package is to contain multiple classes
then replace ... with the comma separated key list).
> storage_init Meta
> perform_package_export Meta Class <class_key>[,...] Sample.package.sio -s=@Meta_Class.skips.lst
-t=@Meta_Class.tests.lst -x=@Meta_Class.excludes.lst -i=@Meta_Class.includes.lst
The initial export file will require a number of changes in order to become a usuable package with the major
part of this process resulting in the creation of a key mapping file (e.g. Sample.keys.lst) which will later
be used when installing instances of the new package.
An initial package key mapping file would look something like the following:
;This replace is for the group
;This replace is for the model
Step 1. Replace group and model keys
The semi-colons are comments and so the actual mapping for "key_group" and "key_model" will be provided when
package installation occurs, however, it is necessary to replace the actual group and model key values found
in the .package.sio file with "key_group" and "key_model" respectively. When performing the search & replace
it should be noted that various field types are prefixed by the group key (so it's expected that values such
as "key_group_string" will end up in the .package.sio file).
Step 2. Remove foreign key fields
Foreign key fields are automatically created when a Relationship is created therefore the Field records that
are in the .package.sio file need to be removed. As the previous step will have changed their type prefix to
"key_group" search on "key_group_foreign_key" and remove any matching Field records.
Step 3. Replace external package keys with mapping variables and remove external artifacts
Classes that belong to other packages (such as User or Group) must be removed from the .package.sio file but
their keys will have been used for other artifacts (such as Relationships or Specifications). The format for
external class key replacements is always "var_<package>_class" where <package> is the package name in lower
As well as Classes there may also be Fields and other artifacts belonging to external packages that may need
key mapping entries. If such artifacts are not able to be identified at this stage then they will be readily
discovered during package installation testing.
Step 4. Identify and create mappings for standard types
Although basically the same as the previous step this is given its own step just in case when thinking about
external artifacts the package creator might have overlooked the usage of "standard" types.
It is most likely that some of the Types used by Fields that belong to the new package's Class(es) will have
been selected from those Types installed via the Standard package. Search for "<name>Type" and for each type
found determine if it is a standard type and if so then replace this key where used in the .package.sio file
with a standard type mapping (refer to Standard.keys.lst to find the mapping names for the standard types).
Step 5. Add any package options
If the new package is intended to have one or more options that can be set prior to installation each option
needs to be included in the .keys.lst file (note that these entries are not comments). For external packages
the "package type" name needs to be assigned to the option variable (and for boolean options just use "opt="
or "opt=1" depending whether the package option should be omitted or present by default).
;Implementation options
Note that if the new package has dependent packages that are "multi instance" then an "ext" mapping variable
will be required for each such package. So if the new "sample" package required the "Event" package which is
a multi-instance package then the .keys.lst would instead look like the following:
;Required external multi instance packages
;Implementation options
The usage of such options is only within the .keys.lst file itself so this step requires zero changes to the
the .package.sio file.
Step 6. Replace new class and other artifact keys with mapping variables
In order to facilitate the usage of artifacts in the new package with packages to be developed in the future
mapping variables need to be created for these artifacts (and the key values replaced with these mappings in
the .package.sio file).
At the very least major class names should be mapped although it is recommended to also map fields which are
likely to used for foreign key selection (such as "Name" or "Description") and any "restrict specifications"
that are also likely to be required for such selections.
The more mappings that are supplied for the new package then the more usable this package will be for future
packages, however, by the same token the less changeable the package becomes (as each mapping is effectively
a published interface). Therefore it is recommended to consider carefully which mappings will be most useful
to include and not to include others (if required a newer version of the package that exposes other mappings
can always be created).
Step 7. Append all non-mapped package keys to the mapping key list
In order to ensure that no key clashes can occur when installing instances of the new package every artifact
that is created requires a key mapping. This also ensures that newly created keys are in accordance with the
current system time (which can be helpful for future analysis).
Another reason that every artifact to be created requires a mapped key is to ensure that inadvertant updates
don't occur (any record update in the .package.sio file will require an exclamation mark at the beginning of
its key). Any non-explicit updates will result in an error during package installation.
The easiest method to extract key mappings from the .package.sio is to use the "extract" tool along with the
command option "-p" (for package). The following console command illustrates this usage:
extract -p Sample.package.sio >> Sample.keys.lst
Step 8. Change any optional key mapping entries accodingly
If the new package contains any options then the all applicable key mappings need to be altered according to
the value of the option. This is achieved through the use of conditional key mappings which prefix the value
of the mapped key. The conditional prefix format is "[?|!]<opt_name>=" where the value is only used when the
option is non-empty (for the ? version) or empty (for the ! version).
Assuming that the key "20111102180000024000" is optional according to "opt_sample_user" then the key mapping
"20111102180000024000=@key" would instead be replaced by the following:
8) Create package source template file(s)
Back in section 5 additions were made to the source template outline for the new package as this was helpful
in order to test the source generation prior to creating the package. These additions must now be moved from
the general source template outline into a package specific source template outline which is used during the
package installation to construct the system specific source template outline.
9) Create package archive and perform package type installation
If the package contains any source template outlines then, in order to verify that they are correctly merged
into the system specific source template outline(s), it is recommended to take a copy of original file(s) so
they can be compared after package type installation.
To complete a package a "" file is required that identifies the name, version and other packages
that the new package has as dependencies. The first line of this file contains the package name, version and
whether the package is "multi" or "single" instance. If it intended that the one model can contain more than
one installation of the same package type then this should be "multi" otherwise "single".
Any following lines consist of a package type name and minimum version number for any packages that this new
package has a dependency. Note that external packages that are "optional" should not be placed here.
Sample Samples 1 multi
Standard 1
Once this file has been saved the package archive can then be created and will consist of this file, the key
map and .package.sio file, any source template outlines and if it has any specifications then the .specs.sio
file and all of its .spec.xrep files.
The following is the console command required to create the "Sample" package archive.
bundle Sample.package Sample.keys.lst Sample.package.sio Sample.ciyam_class.cpp.xrep
At this time a restore of the meta storage backup (i.e. ciyam_restore Meta) should be executed to return the
Meta system to how it was prior to the development of the specifications for the new package as described in
section 4 of this document.
In order for the package to be available for usage it must now be installed as a Package Type. To accomplish
this log in to Meta as "admin" and from the Package Types list click New Record. The initial name which will
default to "New_Package_Type" is not important as the actual name will be determined from the ""
file during installation. So after saving then attach the archive (Sample.package.bun.gz) and then click the
Install button. Assuming no errors occur the new package is now ready for usage testing.
10) Test package usage
In order to check dependencies (and in particular those of the Standard package) it is recommended to log in
to Meta with a user id which belongs to a group that has no information beyond what is automatically created
when a group is added (if not already in use then the "guest" user might be useful for this).
The backup originally taken prior to specification development (described in section 4) should be kept as is
until testing is completed. After each package installation test packages should be removed (in the opposite
order they were installed) and then deleted from the test Model so that .log and .map files that are created
during package installation are removed.
To test it is recommended to first create a new Model and then to attempt to use the new package without the
dependencies (to make sure the dependencies were correctly placed into the file). Once this has
been verified then install all dependency packages (with only default options initially) and then check that
the new package installs without error and that all model artifacts (i.e. the Classes, Relationships, Views,
Lists, etc.) were all created as expected.
Note that typically errors might be due to incorrect or missing mappings in the .keys.lst file or keys which
need to be replaced with their mappings in the .package.sio file. For some cases (e.g. Initial_Record_Value)
records actually require updating rather than creating (for this case the keys in the .package.sio file need
to be prefixed with an exclamation mark).
Once errors have been resolved the package needs to be archived with the updated files, however, there is no
need to perform a backup restore and reinstall the Package Type (just uninstall all Packages then delete all
of them and test again). After testing the new package with all dependencies using only "default options" it
is then recommended to test various combinations of dependency package options (as well as the new package's
options). Clearly a new package with a number of options and a number of depencies will require considerable
testing before it could be considered ready for general usage.
When testing is completed (and any issues resolved) then after performing a storage restore the Package Type
should be once again installed and then a new storage backup taken (which will now include the new package).