Coding Standards

All project source code is expected to be consistent with these coding standards and these standards are also
expected to apply to code that is generated from source templates (i.e. "specifications").

To assist in identifying non-standard code (for .cpp and .h files) the tool "check_source" is being used as a
git pre-commit trigger. Any 3rd party header files that are added to the repository will also be added to the
"check_source_ignore" file to be excluded from these checks.


- 3 space indenting with no tab characters to be used
- leading or trailing underscores in generated code only
- no CAPITAL letters and underscores for identifiers (e.g. my_class)
- use CAPITAL letters and underscores only for macros (e.g. #define MY_MACRO)

Type           Prefixes    Example
----           --------    -------
const          c_          const char c_pipe = '|';
enum           e_          enum etype { e_etype_a, e_etype_b };

global         g_          int g_port;
thread         gt_         static TLS( session )* gtp_session;
 (these next prefixes can also be combined with the previous)
pointer        p_          char* p_ch;
auto pointer   ap_         auto_ptr< char > ap_char;
ref count ptr  rp_         ref_count_ptr< private_key > rp_private_key;
Operator Space Rules

There must always be a space either side of an operator with the following exceptions:-

  No space before or after

  No space before
  * pointer declaration ( e.g. bool function( char* p_ch ); )
  & reference declaration ( e.g. bool function( char& ch ); )
  postfix operators ( e.g. i++; )
  : in case ( e.g. case doit: do_it( ); )
  : in member access ( e.g. private: )
  [ when accessing or declaring an array ( e.g. arr[ i ]; )
  < when opening a template parameter list ( e.g. ref_count_ptr< T >; )
  > when closeing an include ( e.g. #include <iostream> )

  No space after
  * Indirection object pointed to ( e.g. return  *p_ch == ch; )
  & Reference address of ( e.g. p_ch = &ch; )
  function name, if, for and while
  prefix operators ( e.g. ++i; )
  ) when casting ( e.g return ( char )other_type; )  
  operators following the reserved word 'operator' ( e.g. char obj::operator =( char ch ) )
  < when opening an include ( e.g. #include <iostream> )
  # in non-indented macro ( e.g. #ifdef DEBUG )

Blank Lines

These are encouraged to aid with readability between blocks and statements but do not use more than one blank
between non-blank lines (this applies to generated code also).

Block Style

bool function_name( int n )
   int x = 0;

   for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
      // NOTE: If something fails return here.
      if( !Something( ) )
          return false;

   switch( x )
      case 0:
      break; // i.e. don't indent after a case

      case 1:
      val *= 10;

      case 2:
      val *= 100;

      throw runtime_error( "unexpected x #" + to_string( x ) + " in function_name" );

   return true;


// NOTE: Line continuations indent by one space only (i.e. don't indent further for nesting).
export_data( outs, module, all_field_data[ i ].class_id,
 all_field_data[ i ].value, last_class_id, output_fk_children, handler,
 all_class_ids, excludes, tests, includes, exported_records, exported_children,
 next_pass, will_be_exported, partial_export, rounds, current_round, future_rounds, ts, total );

Line continuation is encouraged for readability with each line having a maximum of 135 characters (except for
generated code where lines of up to 200 characters are acceptable).

try keeping,
code aligned,
where possible

do not have one very wide line followed by a very
short one

in, this, 
is no problem

but it is less,
to slope,


Commenting of the obvious is not desired or appreciated (code should instead be kept uncluttered with the use
of easily understandable names for classes and variables).

At the top of source files, scripts and other files where applicable a copyright notice needs to appear which
is in the following form using the type of file's applicable single line commenting character(s):

// Copyright (c) 2012-2024 CIYAM Developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, please refer to the file license.txt
// in the root project directory or

Apart from special cases in generated code comments should start with a "comment type" label (making it clear
*why* the comment has been added) which must be one of the following:

// NOTE: Something to take note of (such as unusual flow control or empty scope).

// KLUDGE: Something ugly that is necessary but really should be further investigated.

// FUTURE: A suggested performance or functionality improvement to be looked into later.

// i.e. 10 seconds (clarification about a constant value or similar)

The following special comment is available if needed to prevent a check_source error for initialisation:

double values[ ] = { -2.6, -2.5, -2.4, -1.6, -1.5, -1.4,
 -0.6, -0.5, -0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 };

The following special comment is used to indicate manual code that should be replaced by generated code (this
is especially used for the code in the Meta module):



#  twospaces
#     fivespaces 
#  twospaces

#ifndef ONCE_GUARD_H
#  define ONCE_GUARD_H
#     include <header>
#     ifdef _PLATFORM
#        define PLATFORM_MACRO
#        include <platform>
#     else
#        include <other_platform>
#     endif
#  endif

#include <standard_header_a>
#include <standard_header_b>

#include "header_for_this_cpp_file.h"

#include "local_headers_next.h"
#include "order_shortest_to_longest_and_then_alphabeticaly.h"


Member access order should be public, private then protected. Data declarations first and methods after.

class class_name
   class_name( );
   class_name( data_t data );

   virtual ~class_name( );

   struct impl;
   impl* p_impl;

/* NOTE: Use of the "p_impl" idiom is encouraged to reduce dependencies
   and code that has been commented out such as the following should in
   general never left when source is to be committed.

   data_t private_data;
   data_t private_method( ) const;
   data_t protected_data;
   data_t protected_method( ) { return private_data; }


Although the following are operationally identical to reduce possible confusion the latter (using parenthesis
for explicit precedence) should always be used.

if( !value.empty( ) && value != c_true_value )


if( !value.empty( ) && ( value != c_true_value ) )


class_name::class_name( int x, int y )
 x( x ), // NOTE: One space indentation, parameter and member names are the same.
 y( y )
   // NOTE: Use this->x if needs changing after initialization.
   if( ( x > 100 ) && ( y < 100 ) )
      this->x *= 10;


SQL is formatted so that it stands out from general code. 

Operator space rules for commas and parenthesis are different from the standard (e.g. (nospace,nospace))

Keywords are in uppercase and names use prefixing.

Prefix  Meaning
------  -------
T_      table
C_      column
I_      index

string Meta_Workgroup::static_get_sql_columns( )
   string sql_columns;

   sql_columns +=
    "C_Key_ VARCHAR(75),"
    "C_Typ_ VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL,"
    "C_Id VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,"
    "C_Name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,"
    "C_Next_Enum_Id VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,"
    "C_Next_Model_Id VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,"
    "C_Next_Permission_Id VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,"
    "C_Next_Type_Id VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,"
    "C_Standard_Package VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL,"
    "PRIMARY KEY(C_Key_)";

   return sql_columns;

SELECT C_Key_,C_Ver_,C_Rev_,C_Typ_,C_User_Id,C_Password,C_Permissions,C_Workgroup,C_Active
 FROM T_Meta_User USE INDEX (I_Meta_User_03) WHERE (C_User_Id >= 'guest') ORDER BY C_User_Id LIMIT 1